Custom Views

Rely's platform enhances your data visualization and entity management experience through customizable views and dashboards. This page will walk you through adding and configuring these custom elements to your entities, enabling a richer, more tailored interaction with your data.

Understanding Default Entity Tabs

When you navigate to the details page of an entity within Rely, you'll find four default tabs, each offering unique insights and functionalities:

  • Overview Tab: Displays all available fields of the entity, including metadata, properties, and relations. You have the flexibility to customize what's shown by hiding specific fields.

  • Dependencies Tab: Provides a graphical representation of all related entities, enabling you to understand the entity's context and connections at a glance.

  • Audit Logs Tab: Keeps track of all recent changes made to the entity, whether through the UI, public API, or plugin integrations, ensuring transparency and traceability.

  • Code Tab: Offers the programmatic representation of your entity, useful for interacting with the public API or for bulk updates to your entity.

To tailor the entity-details page to your needs, Rely allows you to add custom tabs to aggregate and present data in the ways that are most relevant to your use case. Here’s how to get started:

Adding a Custom Tab

Click the plus sign icon, located at the upper right corner of the entity details page. This icon comes with a tooltip: "Add tab." To configure Your Tab in the creation modal, you will need to provide:

  • Name: The display name for your new tab.

  • Icon: A visual identifier for your tab.

  • Type: Select the nature of your tab—either focusing on a specific property value (like JSON, YAML, Markdown, Swagger, etc.) or a dashboard tab for more comprehensive data aggregation.

Creating a Dashboard Tab

Dashboard tabs stand out by allowing you to combine information from various formats and sources into a single, interactive view. Follow these steps to create and configure your dashboard tab:

  • Select the Dashboard Tab Type: When adding a new tab, choose the dashboard option to start with a blank canvas.

  • Add Widgets: Utilize the widget library to drag and drop various widgets onto your dashboard grid. Widgets can range from simple property value displays to complex tables and charts aggregating data from multiple entities.

  • Configure Widgets: Each widget on your dashboard can be individually configured. This might involve setting target blueprints, target entities, adjusting visualization parameters, or defining what information should be displayed.

  • Organize Your Dashboard: Place and resize your widgets within the grid to create an organized and informative dashboard. You can group related widgets together or separate them into different sections for clarity.

Available Widgets

Widgets are versatile components that you can use to build your dashboards. Here's a quick overview of the widgets currently available in Rely:

  • Table View: Display lists of entities with customizable filters, sorting and group statements.

  • Field View: Group and showcase various properties and relations of an entity, tailoring the wdiget to fit specific operational needs.

  • Property Value: Focus on individual property values, offering detailed views on data such as configuration files, documentation, etc.

Last updated