Evaluating Performance

At this point in time you already setup your own scorecards and Rely.io is collecting metrics automatically for you. But how can you see the scorecard results?

From the UI

You can access a scorecard's details page from the scorecard catalog by clicking one of its rows.

From this view, you can access the leaderboard to assess:

  • The rank of all your entities to which the scorecard is applied.

  • The compliance of each entity with each rule in the scorecard.

  • The actual values from each entity that are compared against the threshold specified in each rule.

Entities that don't comply with the lowest rank (bronze), will be shown as "No Rank"

From the Public API

Using Rely.io Public API to evaluate performance is important if you are building an integration with third-party tools or platforms, or building custom reports in an automated way. To do so, refer to the following REST API endpoint documentation.


Remember that in order to call Rely.io Public API you need to authenticate before. If this is your first time doing it refer to the official docs.

Last updated