Overview & Use-Cases


The Developer Self-Service feature in Rely.io empowers developers to build and manage their services and resources independently while maintaining organizational standards. SRE/DevOps teams configure self-service actions following best practices and quality standards, enabling developers to execute these actions with just a button push and approval.

This streamlines repetitive tasks, reduces the need for TicketOps, and improves autonomy and efficiency in the development process. Features include a visual builder, audit logs, granular permissions, and the ability to create custom actions.

Use Cases

  • Accelerated Development: Developers can quickly provision and manage their resources, reducing wait times and dependencies on other teams, thus speeding up the development lifecycle.

  • Enhanced Autonomy: By allowing developers to perform self-service actions within predefined guardrails, organizations empower their teams to operate more independently while still adhering to governance and compliance standards.

  • Operational Efficiency: With self-service capabilities, routine and repetitive tasks are automated, freeing up valuable time for both developers and operations teams to focus on higher-value activities.

  • Audit and Compliance: Detailed audit logs of self-service actions help organizations maintain compliance and track resource usage, enhancing transparency and accountability.

  • Custom Workflows: The ability to create custom actions tailored to specific organizational needs helps streamline unique processes and workflows, improving overall efficiency and effectiveness.

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