πŸ“ŒWhat is Rely?

What is Rely

Rely is designed for modern engineering teams, offering an internal developer portal that provides a comprehensive software catalog.

This catalog centralizes insights about your tech stack and includes maturity and quality scorecards to uphold the highest standards. Additionally, Rely enhances these core functions with a variety of self-service options for developers.

Software Catalog

Navigating your engineering stack can be complex; however, managing it doesn't have to be. The Software Catalog in Rely centralizes crucial data such as service ownership, dependencies, documentation, deployments, observability, and incident management. This feature reduces tool sprawl and simplifies updates.

Software Maturity Scorecards

Elevate your organisational standards with Rely's Scorecards and Leaderboards. Encourage adherence to best practices in production readiness, DORA metrics, and observability by making their adoption competitive and engaging across teams.

Self-Service Actions

Boost developer productivity with Rely’s extensive self-service capabilities. Enable developers to autonomously perform tasks such as scaffolding services or provisioning cloud resources, all within a user-friendly interface. This empowerment leads to faster innovation and a more agile response to changing needs.

Automation Workflows

Streamline and optimize your engineering operations with Rely’s Automation Workflows. Integrate seamlessly with external data sources through plugins, enhancing your software catalog with real-time updates.

Leverage out-of-the-box automation rules to unify entity representation and standardize cross-tool entities, ensuring consistency and clarity across your IDP. As you add more plugins and set up additional automation rules, your catalog becomes richer and more detailed, reducing manual effort and improving accuracy.

Get started with Rely​

Trying out Rely is free and simple!

To explore what a fully set-up Rely IDP looks like, checkout out

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