Entity View Customisation

Each entity-details page comes with four built-in tabs:

  • The Overview tab lists all available fields in the entity (metadata, properties and relations). You can freely customise what is displayed here by hiding certain fields.

  • The Dependencies tab offers a graphical interface of all related entities

  • The Audit Logs tab helps you keep track of all the recent changes to an entity whether those were performed the UI, the public API or by one of your plugin integrations.

  • The Code tab provides you with the programmatic representation of your entity which can be useful for programmatically interacting with our public API or for mass updating your entity.

Besides the built-in tabs you can customise your entity-details page with other tabs pointing to special text properties (markdown, JSON, YAML, iframe, swagger, etc.), specific property-groups or even agglomerate all of the above with dashboards. You can learn more about these custom views tabs in our docs.

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