Actions & Automations

Rely focuses on automating and simplifying developer workflows through the use of two powerful tools:

  • Automations

  • Self-Service Actions


Data can be mapped from Plugin Blueprint entities to User Blueprint entities via automation rules.

This mapping allows for a dynamic abstraction layer, where data from various sources can be filtered, manipulated, standardised and centralised according to your needs. Automation Rule serve two main purposes:

  1. Unified Entity Representation: e.g. different tools such as git providers, incident management tools, observability platforms, etc represent a "Service" in different ways. Automation rules and user blueprints let you aggregate these varied perspectives into a single, cohesive "Service" entity that contains only what you care the most about from each one and reflects your organisations' operational context.

  2. Standardising Cross-Tool Entities: e.g. pull requests and merge requests from both Github and Gitlab can be standardised into a unified format, as can Issues coming from both Jira and Linear. This enables large organisations to maintain uniformity and clarity in their IDP across different team processes and toolsets.

Rely takes a proactive approach by offering pre-configured automation rules for common use cases, which are automatically included when you install certain plugins.

These default automation rules leverage:

These rules are designed to streamline processes and ensure seamless integration of plugin data with the most common user blueprints.

Self-Service Actions

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