What happens when you install a Plugin?

Integration with Your Engineering Stack

Rely.io seamlessly integrates with your engineering stack through plugins, each enhancing the platform with specific functionalities. Begin your Rely.io journey by using these plugins to populate your software catalog with services, cloud resources, and more.

Plugin Installation Process

  1. Navigate to the Plugins Page: Start by accessing the Plugins page.

  2. Create Your Plugin: Click "Create Plugin" and choose from the available options.

    • We recommend starting with your Git provider (GitHub or GitLab) to efficiently populate your service catalog, though your repositories.

  3. Credentials and Asset Selection: Complete the installation steps, which may include entering an access token or enabling the required authorisations.

    • Then, select the assets (e.g., repositories, issues) you care about. When in doubt, leave all assets selected.

  4. Submit Your Plugin Installation Form.


  • Data Model Expansion: The installation of a plugin triggers an expansion of your data model with plugin blueprints, enabling Rely.io to represent and display entities related to the plugin's data source.

  • Entity Discovery Run: After installation, Rely.io conducts an entity discovery run to ingest entities based on the selected assets, ensuring your catalog accurately reflects the external data source.

    • Synchronisation: Rely.io uses webhooks for real-time updates from data sources, keeping your catalog up-to-date. For plugins without webhook support, periodic discovery runs are scheduled.

  • Automation Rules: Installing a plugin automatically triggers the creation of automation rules.

    • These rules help link, map, and auto-populate your key assets based on the data provided by the plugin’s data source.

    • For instance, a Git provider plugin will automatically generate service entities from identified repositories during the discovery phase, enriching them with details like code languages, repository links, and README content.

  • Continuous Enhancement: As more plugins are installed and additional automation rules are set up, your catalog becomes richer and more detailed.

Last updated