Updating a Scorecard

As organizations evolve and get more complex so will the metrics that you need to look at to ensure compliance with business objectives.

There will be a point in time where you will need to update your scorecards. You can do it in two different ways: From the UI and from the Public API.

From the UI

You can access a scorecard's details page from the scorecard catalog by clicking one of its rows.

From here, you can update a scorecard by directly manipulating the scorecard descriptor in the code tab.

Once you update a scorecard, an automation process will automatically assess the compliance of various entities against the changes in the scorecard. Typically, you can expect the results to adapt within a few seconds.

Entities that don't comply with the lowest rank (bronze), will be shown as "No Rank"

From the Public API

All scorecard descriptors are JSON files that you might want to keep in a repository next to your code. If you follow that approach then using Rely.io Public API might not be a bad option. You can use the following Scorecards endpoint to do so.

Remember that in order to call Rely.io Public API you need to authenticate before. If this is your first time doing it refer to the official docs.

Last updated