Updating a Blueprint

From the UI

You can manage your data-model and all its blueprints via:

From the Data Model Builder

The Data Model Builder is the most visually appealing of managing your blueprints, but it's not the most powerful one.

From the builder you are unable to:

  • Edit the blueprint's title.

  • Edit a property's metadata or data-type.

  • Edit a relation's title or overall nature (e.g. its target blueprint or its cardinality between one-to-one and one-to-many).

For these operations, you need to perform updates directly on the blueprint's descriptor.

Changing a blueprint's ID is impossible across the product, regardless of whether via the UI or API. This is a measure meant to prevent issues related to data misalignment.

To see the content of a Blueprint, click on its node in the graph view.

From here, you can create new properties and relations.

From existing relations, you can establish reference properties.

You can also delete existing properties and relations.

Deleting a property or drastically changing its type in the blueprint can cause entities created from it to enter a conflict state that you'll need to resolve manually, see troubleshooting.

You can also edit a blueprint's icon or deleting the blueprint.

Deleting a blueprint can cause other blueprints that have relations to it and its respective entities to enter a conflict state that you'll need to resolve manually, see troubleshooting.

From a blueprint card you can also directly access the blueprint's descriptor for more powerful manipulation capabilities.

From the Blueprint Descriptor

Directly manipulating the blueprint descriptors is the most powerful way of managing your blueprint, but it also requires deeper technical knowledge.

From here, you can customise every aspect regarding your blueprint, like:

  • Editing the blueprint's metadata (except for the ID).

  • Editing properties' metadata and data-type.

  • Editing relations' metadata and overall nature (e.g. its target blueprint or its cardinality between one-to-one and one-to-many).

Some considerations:

Changing a blueprint's ID is impossible across the product, regardless of whether via the UI or API. This is a measure meant to prevent issues related to data misalignment.

Deleting a property or drastically changing its type in the blueprint can cause entities created from it to enter a conflict state that you'll need to resolve manually, see troubleshooting.

Deleting a blueprint can cause other blueprints that have relations to it and its respective entities to enter a conflict state that you'll need to resolve manually, see troubleshooting.

From the Public API

Last updated