‼️Configuring your Self Service Agent


The Rely.io Self Service Agent is a critical component required to enable self-service action features within Rely.io - without it, you won't be able to trigger self-service actions. The Agent is fully open-source.

This agent runs on the customer side ensuring that Rely.io does not need write access to the platforms used by the customer. Once deploy it will periodically check for pending actions triggered via Rely.io's UI or API and execute them.

Obtaining Your Self-Service Agent API Token

To ensure the Rely.io Self Service Agent can properly interact with Rely.io and listen for events, you need to generate an API token. Follow these steps to obtain your API token:

  1. Open the Rely.io platform.

  2. Navigate to the Plugins page.

  3. Open the details of the "Self Service Agent" plugin.

  4. Click View details and then Generate Self Service Token.

Generating a new token will invalidate all previously generated tokens.


  • A Kubernetes cluster

  • Helm installed on your local machine

  • Rely.io Self-Service Agent API Token

Step 1: Create a Kubernetes Secret with Your API Token

First, create a Kubernetes secret to securely store your Rely.io API token.

kubectl create secret generic relyio-api-token-ssa --namespace rely-ssa --from-literal=API_TOKEN="YOUR-API-TOKEN"

Replace YOUR-API-TOKEN with your actual API token.

Step 2: Add the Rely.io Self Service Agent Helm Repository

Add the Helm repository for the Rely.io Self Service Agent.

helm repo add relyio-ssa https://self-service-agent-detech-ai-edd492da4f2b2199341ac1290470249841.gitlab.io

Step 3: Update the Helm Repositories

Update your local Helm repositories to ensure you have the latest information.

helm repo update

Step 4: Install the Rely.io Self Service Agent Chart

Install the Rely.io Self Service Agent using the Helm chart.

helm upgrade --install relyio-self-service-agent relyio-ssa/relyio-self-service-agent -n rely-ssa

Installation Method 2: Docker


  • Docker

  • Rely.io Self-Service Agent API Token

Step 1: Run the Docker Container

Run the Rely.io Self Service Agent Docker container with your API token.

docker run -e API_TOKEN="YOUR-API-TOKEN" devrelyio/self-service-agent:latest

Replace YOUR-API-TOKEN with your actual API token.

Managing Secrets and Environment Variables

The Rely.io Self Service Agent requires tokens to interact with various data sources. The specific tokens to provide will depend on the integrations you want to use in self-service actions. Examples include:

  • GITHUB_TOKEN: For GitHub integration

  • GITLAB_TOKEN: For GitLab integration

  • SONARQUBE_TOKEN: For SonarQube integration

  • PAGERDUTY_TOKEN: For PagerDuty integration

Kubernetes (Helm Installation)

To update the Kubernetes secret with additional environment variables, use the following command:

kubectl patch secret relyio-api-token-ssa --namespace rely-ssa --patch '{
    "data": {
        "GITHUB_TOKEN": "'"$(echo -n 'YOUR_TOKEN_HERE' | base64)"'",
        "GITLAB_TOKEN": "'"$(echo -n 'YOUR_TOKEN_HERE' | base64)"'",
        "SONARQUBE_TOKEN": "'"$(echo -n 'YOUR_TOKEN_HERE' | base64)"'",
        "PAGERDUTY_TOKEN": "'"$(echo -n 'YOUR_TOKEN_HERE' | base64)"'"

Replace EXAMPLE_ENV_VAR and ENV_VAR_VALUE_GOES_HERE with your specific variable name and value.

Than re-deploy your agent:

kubectl rollout restart deployment relyio-self-service-agent -n rely-ssa


For the Docker installation, you can pass additional environment variables directly in the docker run command. Example:

docker run -e API_TOKEN="YOUR-API-TOKEN" \

Upgrading the Self Service Agent

Upgrade to the latest version of the Self Service Agent.


helm upgrade relyio-self-service-agent relyio-ssa/relyio-self-service-agent -n rely-ssa


Pull the latest Docker image and run it, feel free to check annd specify for specific versions here.

docker pull devrelyio/self-service-agent:latest
docker run -e API_TOKEN="YOUR-API-TOKEN" devrelyio/self-service-agent:v0.1.0

Last updated